Welcome to the Leighton Library's online shop

Purchases of prints and gifts contribute towards the restoration of Dunblane's historic Leighton Library

Watercolour 2024

Tea towel featuring a lovely watercolour of the library after restoration, painted by artist Jane Dunbar in 2024. 

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Ceramic mugs

Our new range of ceramic mugs have been designed using images from some of our favourite books from the collection. Mugs are available in either a natural colour or with a coloured background.

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The American Atlas, 1776

Products based on The American Atlas, by Thomas Jefferys, the most detailed and accurate survey of the American colonies at the beginning of the Revolution.

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Cosmographia, 1544

Products based on The Cosmographia ("Cosmography") from 1544 by Sebastian Münster (1488–1552), the earliest German-language description of the world.

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Love your library...

The Leighton Library was erected in 1687 some 336 years ago and is a national treasure. A ‘Category A’ listed building, it houses the book collection of Bishop Leighton (1611 - 1684), former Principal of Edinburgh University, Bishop of Dunblane and Archbishop of Glasgow. The oldest volume dates from 1504 and the collection is of international importance...

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